Many people think “ancient” is something left behind in updating of the world. Hei! Never think like that! Boarding student can be cool and absolutely syar’i. Different from other school, in boarding school update about characteristics of judgment more detail. Also knowledge about the world and how it was created. Update about Islam better then update about outside worldismisguided. Well I thinksome statements say Islam is ancient is a verybigmistake. Maybe they say Islam is ancient cause see we seldom open social media. Are they know poison about social media in our future? Or ancient cause our music is nasyid. Eitss dont think like that. Nasyid have a big influence in our live. Wether pop music, love to love.
So guys, if the negative opinions about boarding, its that think about world and hereafter. Then, if you school in boarding, you get plus Islamic knowledge. About hadist and Al Qur’an. What there in deepenpublic schoolscienceasit? Other than that character is maintained. If we are in a public schools bad influence will come although we insist on keeping. You know Syaitan? He will not give up to get us. We can see teen at public school, many of them are already courting although strictly forbidden in Islam, speeding though the streets without a license or maybe not a few who've tried drugs.
So guys, in boarding school you not ancient, less update but you get plus knowledge about Islam. Awake from madness outside world and become muslimah tough, intelligent, updates about the world and the hereafter. I think only that can I tell to you. Please don’t bored with this section. Nice day. (Annisa Un Rasyiqah/MTs DMP Diniyyah Puteri)